16 de junho de 2020

Various- Planet Electro (2013) FLAC , Midia Digital

ADJ - [Planet Electro #01] Rollercoaster
AE35 - [Planet Electro #02] Underdrain (Red)
Alek Stark - [Planet Electro #03] I Can Not Stop The Beast
Arnold Steiner - [Planet Electro #04] High Performance
Dark Prophet - [Planet Electro #05] Let The Beat Fly
Dark Vektor - [Planet Electro #06] Eric (Testimo)
Darxid - [Planet Electro #07] Excellent Day
Electro Punisher - [Planet Electro #08] The Rise Of Samurai
Headnoaks - [Planet Electro #09] Plans For Attacks
Hitachi II - [Planet Electro #10] Dystopia
Iffnot - [Planet Electro #11] Welcome To Finsterhausen
Luke Eargoggle - [Planet Electro #12] Mr Tennis
Mandroid - [Planet Electro #13] IZ3 NET
MicroControlUnit - [Planet Electro #14] Lagoon
Miotek & 4Th Genome - [Planet Electro #15] Solar System Bodies
Morphogenetic - [Planet Electro #16] Letting Go (Jada's Song)
N-Ter - [Planet Electro #17] Resistance
Paul Blackford - [Planet Electro #18] Bosconian
Pip Williams - [Planet Electro #19] Steve Baker's Lovechild Went Mad
Prototype - [Planet Electro #20] Stimme Der Energie
Scape One - [Planet Electro #21] Invisible Enemy
Sync 24 - [Planet Electro #22] New Forms
The Exaltics - [Planet Electro #23] One
Thomas Kress - [Planet Electro #24] Brand New Funk
W1B0 - [Planet Electro #25] Small Increments
Will Web - [Planet Electro #26] No Machines

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